... spells the end of version chaos 

VOODOO (Versions Of Outdated Documents Organized Orthogonally) is the ultimate version control solution you have been waiting for. It is a standalone version control tool with a neat graphical user interface offering many features for the simple and clear management of projects in which files evolve in numerous versions.

VOODOO manages not only variants and revisions of single files, but of whole software projects (multi files, multi users, multi variants, access rights, project structure, project history, etc.).

VOODOO uses delta storage for all different kinds of files with amazing compression rates: typical size of a delta between arbitrary files is about 5%, no matter whether the files are plain text or any other documents - e. g. MSWord, XPress, Freehand, Filemaker, 4th Dimension, Prograph, etc.). Thus, the tool can be employed for more than just the organization of software projects in a narrow sense (program development). Even the writing of a book, for example, is a project where multiple elementary building blocks (the individual chapters, illustrations, etc.) evolve in various revisions. Using VOODOO can also pay off here.

VOODOO is suitable from small (one person) projects up to medium sized projects with many developers. A flexible locking mechanism ensures data integrity across several developers.


Here are the WWW links that take you to the VOODOO pages of UNI SOFTWARE PLUS:

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